
A lesson to remember for the Audi Q5 driver. He had to drive hundreds of meters in reverse


The Bucharest ring motorway has portions that are almost constantly extremely congested, and the traffic is very difficult, with long traffic jams. It is not for nothing that Bucharest is permanently qualified as one of the cities with the most congested traffic in Romania and in Europe. However, this should not be a reason for disrespectful behavior between drivers. The reality, however, shows that sometimes there are still “tricky” drivers who choose to avoid traffic in a senseless manner.

Such a driver tried his luck 3 days ago, going out with an Audi Q5 in the opposite direction, overtaking a long line of trucks and cars, which were regularly waiting in congested traffic. His irregular escapade in the opposite direction came face to face with a truck, whose driver had the courage not to simply let him look for a place to re-enter the regular traffic, but forced him to reverse, in reverse. And as the column that the Audi had just overtaken was long and without free spaces between the cars, the Audi driver had to go back hundreds of meters, thus receiving a valuable lesson from the truck driver, who filmed the situation.

See the entire moment captured by the truck’s dash cam below.