
Airbus A321 airplane makes wildest landing ever at Madeira Airport – Portugal


 The approach is crazily unstable. Not necessarily because of the gusts already destabilising the aircraft but also because the descent path wasn’t corrected soon enough – the aircraft is about 100ft RA over the threshold and about 50ft high over the aiming point. So already at this point you already execute a missed approch without any doubt.

 The Airbus A321 airplane floated all the way till the end of the touchdown zone (900m), and still touched outside of it. Such a long touch down already prompts you for a missed approach, which wasn’t the case here. The result was a nose gear first touch down possibly causing structural damage (such an impact needs a report on the ATL). Basically there’s nothing on this planet that justifies the continuation of an unstable approach, a go around is always the best way out of such a situation…