
Amazing side unloading truck technique




As you would expect, in Russia happens a lot of things. As you see in this video, we have a truck that is being tilted in order to get all of the cereals from it. The idea is pretty smart because the truck doesn`t seem to have an automatic system to get all of the cereals out. This is where the Russian ingenuity comes into place.

As the video unfolds, we see how a truck is tilted. The truck was securely attached to the platform so the process is done smoothly. As the video plays, we see how the truck is tiled a little bit more. It is tilled until some of the cereals start getting out from the truck. In the end we see how all of the cereals are out of the truck and they appear to be placed on the ground. If you watch closely you see that a conveyor belt was added next to the truck.

This conveyor belt will probably be used to transport the cereals where they are needed. It also seems that the cereals will go down into an underground deposit. We can`t see a deposit in the video so we can only assume that that is the place where they will be going.