
After 20 years of captivity in a small cage at a zoo in Romania, this bear, freed now, still lives in an imaginary cage.


“For 20 years, Ina had half a swimming pool, half a shelter and half a walking space. Basically, she lived only half at the Zoo Garden in Piatra Neamț – literally and figuratively. She shared with her sister Anca, it was provided with a single pond, a single pool, a lair and a single “walking” field, and the bears were… two.The only solution found by the administrator was taken from chess – a weekly cast between the two sisters “, is the story of the bear, presented on the website” Millions of Friends Association}.

After several years of complaints to the NGO, the local administration gave up the bear that was brought to the reservation in October 2014.

Now she has trees, a swimming pool and a lair just for her, writes the association that makes public a video that shows the trauma that the bear is still going through.