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The flexible wheel featuring MICHELIN ACORUS technology



Michelin just released some special design wheels to help preventing the road-based damage that the car suffers because of the road. This special made wheel helps a lot in eliminating shortcomings associated with the lower profile tiles with short sidewalls. Thanks to the flexible rubber the noise and the comfort levels improve a lot.

This rubber flange sits between the wheel and the tire and does the job pretty well. It is also an environmental benefit of using this technology. This special designed wheel was made to work with a lot of brands including some low rolling resisting tires. This will mean that you will lower the CO2 emissions and you will also make economies in the fuel. This design also means that it will provide fewer damages to the tires. There will be fewer chances of the wheels to be thrown away by the pothole damage. This wheel isn`t a safeguard against potholes and poor roads but it is a step forward.

This technology will probably be adopted pretty soon by a lot of companies and as you will see in the video, it is a really interesting concept. You should certainly watch this video in order to learn more about the new technology.