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The Liebherr “LTB” conveyor belt for truck mixer



If you were to transport concrete, you should probably know about this revolutionary method of doing so. The Liebherr or “LTB” is a conveyor belt designed especially for trucks that will offer the driver the experience he wants. This is the most cost-effective solution that will manage to always be a great thing in order to carry things like concrete and sand, or even crushed stones where they are needed.

This method can also be used to transport pebbles. You will see in this video has this method brings all of these things to the building site. They are a great solution that every driver should know about. This method will expand your range of services and you will see that it will be a great idea for you. It will also be available as a removable belt and you will have a chance to choose between two systems.

The driver will be able to screw the lock cylinder manually or he can even use the hydraulic system in order to do the job. The telescopic belt is a great idea especially for places in which the working space is quite narrow. Another thing you should know is that this telescopic belt can be used to transport concrete.